LIC AAO is one of the most prestigious exams conducted in the insurance sector, and aspirants across the country lookout for a career in the insurance sector. LIC conducts various other exams for different posts.
LIC has vacancies for LIC AAO in the following cadres:
Assistant Administrative Officer (Legal)
Assistant Administrative Officer (IT)
Assistant Administrative Officer (CA)
Assistant Administrative Officer (Rajbhasha)
Assistant Administrative Officer (Actuarial)
Pathway 1 | |
Step 1: | Clear Class XII in any stream |
Step 2: | Bachelors in Any Stream |
Step 3: | Prepare for AAO Exam |
The insurance sector of India is growing at an unprecedented rate. Figures issued by every major insurer of India reveals, people are buying more insurance policies than ever before. People insure themselves as their loved ones as well as their assets for one main reason: Avoiding any financial emergency in event of their death or permanent disability.
Others buy insurance to avail exemptions in paying high income tax. Understandably, a large market like India requires several insurance companies. However, the biggest insurer in India is the Life Insurance Corporation of India, commonly called LIC.
Career as LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
Over the last couple of decades, LIC is facing stiff competition from other state-run, private and foreign insurance companies that now operate in India. Further, the demand for insurance policies has also increased exponentially, as figures reveal.
Hence, joining as LIC’s Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) has immense benefits- as far as job security, income and career growth are concerned. In this article, we explain why you should consider a career as LIC AAO.