Career Consultancy Services

Career Mentoring & Counselling

The biggest dilemma encountered by the youth and professionals today is to choose the right career path which suits their Personality, Aptitude, Skills and should also have market potential in future.

Here Career Counselling is exerted mostly under the influence of parents, teachers, peers who pursue the young minds to choose their career based on their lofty expectations. Most of the kids after graduating from schools and colleges find themselves lost or disinterested in the stream they have chosen.

Career Counselling is not child’s play ,it requires specialized and experienced counsellors, who are the torch bearer to show the right trajectory to the students or to the professionals. We realised the importance of Career Mentoring and Career Counselling in the early 1990s. Over the years hundreds of Career Counseling sessions are held in Universities, Colleges, Schools and Institutions .

CAREER CONSULTANCY SERVICES-CCS started in the year 1996, since then we have guided thousands of students and professionals about the right career choices. We also help clients to fix their career through ‘Mid-life’ career counselling, under the banner career counselling for the aspiring Professionals’.